
Episode Rating: Excellent
Commentary by:
Peter Deluise -- Director
James Tichenor -- Visual Effects Supervisor
The commentary is very informative, and interesting. Lots of behind the scene information. The commentary stays on point with what is on screen.
The two Goa’uld death gliders obtained in “The Serpent's Lair” have been scavenged, and Earth scientists retrofit a new craft from the parts. The goal is to provide a fighter craft capable of flight in Earth’s atmosphere, and in space. A new way to defend the Earth from the Goa’uld. The craft, called the X-301 Interceptor, is a hybrid of human and Goa’uld technology.
Teal’c and O’Neill take the X-301 on a test flight. During the test flight, the X-301’s controls stop responding, and the craft heads into space, leaving Earth far behind. Some of the Goa’uld technology used in the X-301 included a recall device, and the vehicle is on its way back to the Goa’uld’s base. At their current speed, the trip will take several hundred years.
O’Neill and Teal’c must survive in space, with few supplies and limited air, while folks on Earth try to formulate a plan to save the X-301’s occupants.
The story is reminiscent of the novel, and 1969 movie, Marooned. Much of the strengths of Marooned translate well to this Stargate SG-1 episode. There is a good division between time spent with the ship’s occupants, and with the folks on Earth. Alternating between the two situations keeps the episode's pacing brisk, and engaging. The situation allows a peek at O’Neill and Teal’c’s inner character. Two warriors facing a lingering death in space. The two are poignant, without getting maudlin, about their impending demise. Those scenes are an excellent counterpoint to the controlled, yet frantic, activity on Earth by those attempting to save them.
Regardless of the X-301’s stealth technology, it seems that someone would have seen the ship’s daytime maneuvers.
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